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How to Bin Continuous Variables Into Category R

How to create a column with binary variable based on a condition of other variable in an R data frame?

Sometimes we need to create extra variable to add more information about the present data because it adds value. This is especially used while we do feature engineering. If we come to know about something that may affect our response then we prefer to use it as a variable in our data, hence we make up that with the data we have. For example, creating another variable applying conditions on other variable such as creating a binary variable for goodness if the frequency matches a certain criterion.


Consider the below data frame −

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set.seed(100) Group<-rep(c("A","B","C","D","E"),times=4) Frequency<-sample(20:30,20,replace=TRUE) df1<-data.frame(Group,Frequency) df1


 Group Frequency 1  A    29 2  B    26 3  C    25 4  D    22 5  E    28 6  A    29 7  B    26 8  C    25 9  D    25 10 E    23 11 A    26 12 B    25 13 C    21 14 D    26 15 E    26 16 A    26 17 B    30 18 C    27 19 D    21 20 E    22

Creating a column category having two levels as Good and Bad, where Good is for those that have Frequency greater than 25−


df1$Category<-ifelse(df1$Frequency>25,"Good","Bad") df1


 Group Frequency Category 1  A       29       Good 2  B       26       Good 3  C       25       Bad 4  D       22       Bad 5  E       28       Good 6  A       29       Good 7  B       26       Good 8  C       25       Bad 9  D       25       Bad 10 E       23       Bad 11 A       26       Good 12 B       25       Bad 13 C       21       Bad 14 D       26       Good 15 E       26       Good 16 A       26       Good 17 B       30       Good 18 C       27       Good 19 D       21       Bad 20 E       22       Bad

Let's have a look at another example −


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Class<-rep(c("Lower","Middle","Upper Middle","Higher"),times=5) Ratings<-sample(1:10,20,replace=TRUE) df2<-data.frame(Class,Ratings) df2


     Class    Ratings 1    Lower       3 2    Middle      8 3 Upper Middle   2 4    Higher      9 5    Lower       2 6    Middle      3 7 Upper Middle   4 8    Higher      4 9    Lower       4 10   Middle      5 11 Upper Middle  7 12    Higher     9 13    Lower      4 14    Middle     2 15 Upper Middle  6 16    Higher     7 17    Lower      1 18    Middle     6 19 Upper Middle  9 20    Higher     9


df2$Group<-ifelse(df2$Ratings>5,"Royal","Standard") df2


      Class    Ratings    Group 1    Lower       3       Standard 2    Middle      8         Royal 3 Upper Middle   2       Standard 4    Higher      9         Royal 5    Lower       2       Standard 6    Middle      3       Standard 7 Upper Middle   4       Standard 8    Higher      4       Standard 9    Lower       4       Standard 10   Middle      5       Standard 11 Upper Middle  7         Royal 12    Higher     9         Royal 13    Lower      4       Standard 14    Middle     2       Standard 15 Upper Middle  6         Royal 16    Higher     7         Royal 17    Lower      1       Standard 18    Middle     6         Royal 19 Upper Middle  9         Royal 20    Higher     9         Royal


Updated on 09-Sep-2020 08:00:43

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